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sp.  暴眼的


  1. Or chooses keel seriously, always have bug eye or bark, uniform need not. 要么认真挑选龙骨,凡是有虫眼或树皮的,一律不用。
  2. SpongeBob, with his square body, huge mouth, buckteeth, big bug eyes and somewhat annoying personality, was the antithesis of iyashi. 而回过头来看看海绵宝宝的造型:方形的身体、巨大的嘴巴和门牙,还有那大眼睛以及有点讨人厌的性格。
  3. Most of the dogs in the competition were also Chinese Crested, a breed that has a mohawk, bug eyes and a long, wagging tongue. 多数参赛犬都是有著冲天冠毛、凸眼,长长的舌头还挂在嘴边晃的中国冠毛犬。
  4. The bird caught a bug on the fly. 那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
  5. Karl is ambitious to be a big bug. 卡尔野心勃勃,想当大人物。
  6. She eyed me from top to top with coldness. 她冷淡地把我从头打量到脚。