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美[bɪld]  英[bɪld]
v.  建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强
n.  体格;身材
  过去式:built  过去分词:built  现在分词:building  第三人称单数:builds


  1. 盖,(被)建造,建筑,建设,修建
  2. 发展,开发
  3. 增进, (逐渐)增长,增强,加强
  4. 建立,设立,创立,确立,树立,创建,创办
  5. 生(火)
  6. 从事营造业
  7. 逐渐达到高峰
  8. 扩大,逐步扩大范围
  9. 培养
  10. 砌起来
  11. 制造
  12. 为…打基础
  13. 使成为,使发展
  14. 构成同花、顺子等牌
  1. 体格,(优美的)体形,身材
  2. 构造,造型,结构
  3. 骨格,骨骼
  4. 成形
  5. 肉体美
  6. 身体
  7. 头脸
  8. 编好的程序


  1. vt. & vi. 修建,建造 make or construct sth by putting parts or material together
  2. vt. & vi. 开发,创建 develop sth; establish
  1. [C][U]体形,结构 shape and size (of the human body)


  1. constitution of the human body
  2. alternative names for the body of a human being;

    "Leonardo studied the human body" "he has a strong physique" "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"

  1. make by combining materials and parts;

    "this little pig made his house out of straw" "Some eccentric constructed an electric brassiere warmer"

  2. form or accumulate steadily;

    "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly" "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"

  3. build or establish something abstract;

    "build a reputation"

  4. improve the cleansing action of;

    "build detergents"

  5. order, supervise, or finance the construction of;

    "The government is building new schools in this state"

  6. give form to, according to a plan;

    "build a modern nation" "build a million-dollar business"

  7. be engaged in building;

    "These architects build in interesting and new styles"

  8. found or ground;

    "build a defense on nothing but the accused person's reputation"

  9. bolster or strengthen;

    "We worked up courage" "build up confidence" "ramp up security in the airports"

  10. develop and grow;

    "Suspense was building right from the beginning of the opera"


  1. build a bookcase做一个书橱
  2. build a bridge建桥
  3. build a chemical plant建起化工厂
  4. build a dam修筑水坝
  5. build a machine制造机器
  6. build a model of ship做轮船模型
  7. build a nest(鸟)筑巢
  8. build a railway筑铁路
  9. build a tunnel修隧道
  10. build an air-raid shelter修建防空洞
  11. build an atom bomb制造原子弹
  12. build boat造船
  13. build car制造汽车
  14. build castle建城堡
  15. build huts搭茅屋
  16. build military installations修建军事设施
  17. build plane制造飞机
  18. build ship制造轮船
  19. build tents安下帐篷
  20. build water conservancy works修建水利工程
  21. build a new home建立新家园,开创新的活动基地
  22. build a new life开创新生活
  23. build a policy确立一种方针
  24. build a system建立制度
  25. build an administrative center设立管理中心
  26. build an enterprise创办企业
  27. build good relation with sb和某人搞好关系
  28. build good will使产生好意
  29. build modern industries建立现代化工业
  30. build one's confidence in victory树立胜利的信心
  31. build relationship建立关系
  32. build the family创立家业
  1. build expressly快速地建造
  2. build healthily体格健壮
  3. build irrevocably不可改变地形成
  4. build variously不同地建造
  5. build in建造成房间等的一部分,使成为(…的)一部分
  6. build on在原有的建筑物上增建
  7. build out增建,建立在…基础上,依赖,指望
  8. build over盖满
  9. build round四周盖满了房屋
  10. build up建立,增进,振兴,改进,积累,扩大
  1. the build of a passenger ship一艘客轮的构造
  2. the build of a spaceship vehicle宇宙飞船的结构
  1. heavy build体形粗壮
  2. large build身材魁梧
  3. modern build摩登结构
  4. nice build体形不错
  5. same build体形一样
  6. slight build体形精瘦
  7. slim build修长的身材
  1. in general build总体结构
  2. with build有…样的身材


  1. That house is built of bricks.那座房子是砖造的。
  2. They planed to build a new laboratory.他们计划建造一个新的实验室。
  3. It is not an easy task to build a business.创业并不是一件容易的事情。
  4. We should study hard to build a better future for ourselves.我们应该努力学习,为自己创造更美好的未来。
  5. His analysis build up their confidence.他的分析增强了他们的信心。
  6. We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergencies.我们必须逐渐积累一笔储蓄以备急需。
  1. She really did not have the build for a ballerina.她实际上并没有一个芭蕾舞女演员的体格。
  2. That girl is of proportional build and is beautiful.那少女身材匀称,长相漂亮。


    build的基本意思是把建筑材料或构件组合在一起成为各种建造物,这种建造物可以小如儿童玩具,大如摩天大楼。强调建造过程和所付出的劳动,尤指体力劳动。用于抽象事物时也表示如大建筑物般的建筑过程,强调通过一点一滴的增加以达到某种目的。引申可指“树立,确立”“增强”等。 build既可用作不及物动词,又可用作及物动词。用作不及物动词时可用主动形式表示被动意义;用作及物动词时后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。build还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。build偶尔可用于被动结构。 build的过去式和过去分词都是built。
    build用作名词时意思是“体形,结构”,可指人的身体外在特点(如高、矮、胖、瘦等),也可指某物的外观(如样式、大小等)。 build可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。其复数形式为builds。 build前通常不加冠词。