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美['bʊlbɪl]  英['bʊlbɪl]
n.  鳞芽;球芽


  1. small bulb or bulb-shaped growth arising from the leaf axil or in the place of flowers


  1. Advances in Studies on Bulbil of Dioscore L. 薯蓣零余子的研究进展。
  2. Virus-free Plantlet Culture and in Vitro Bulbil Induction of Dioscorea Batatas Decne. 脚板薯(Dioscorea batatas Decne.;)脱毒试管苗培育及其试管珠芽诱导
  3. RESULTS Shady environment can facilitate tuber and bulbil s growth in some degree,and it correlates with the change of leaves figure and increase of leaves area evidently. 结果遮荫对块茎和珠芽的生长均有不同程度的促进作用,对叶片的叶形改变和叶面积的增大也有显著的相关性。
  4. The differentiation of adventitious bud from the leaf piece and bulbil piece of the plantlets in vitro was the best on MS medium supplemented with BA 1.0 mg/L and IAA 0.05 mg/L. 试管苗小叶块和小鳞茎块的不定芽分化均以MS培养基中添加1.;0mg/LBA和0
  5. Results showed:(1) Calli were obtained from bulbil on media containing different kinds of auxin and cytokinin,also the plantlets could be developed at the same time. 结果表明:(1)在不同激素组合的培养基上怀山药零余子均能产生愈伤组织,而且具有一次成苗的能力。