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美[bʊl]  英[bʊl]
n.  教皇诏书
adj.  公牛的;鲁莽的
  过去式:bulled  过去分词:bulled  现在分词:bulling  第三人称单数:bulls


  1. 公牛
  2. 多头
  3. 买方
  4. 工头
  5. 雄兽,雄性大动物
  6. 行情看涨者
  7. <美俚>警察
  8. <口>靶心
  9. 中心目标
  10. 彪形大汉,壮汉
  11. <俚>胡说,废话
  12. 训令,法令
  13. 教皇的诏书
  14. 自相矛盾的荒谬说法
  15. <美俚>大错
  16. 公文
  17. 雄象
  18. 雄鲸
  19. 布尔(1810-1880,挪威小提琴手)
  1. 雄的,公的
  2. 公牛的
  3. 公牛般的,公牛一样的
  4. 大号的,大型的
  5. 行情上涨的
  6. 做多头的
  7. 【商】买方的
  8. 哄台证券价格的
  9. 雄兽的
  1. <美俚>吓唬
  2. 欺骗
  3. 上涨
  4. 猛力前进
  5. <俚>聊天
  6. 强使…通过(路)
  7. 挤出(路),强行挤过
  8. 哄抬…的价格,哄抬(证券等的行情)
  9. 做多头,做买方
  10. 排除困难前进,奋力前行
  11. 【海】猛撞
  12. 强迫
  13. 吹牛,瞎扯


  1. [C]公牛; 雄兽 that adult male form of cattle, supposed to be fierce and hard to control, kept on farms to be the parent of young cattle
  2. [C]买进证券投机图利者,(对股市行情)看涨的人 a person who buys business shares or goods in expectation of a price rise or who acts to cause such a rise


  1. uncastrated adult male of domestic cattle
  2. a large and strong and heavyset man;

    "he was a bull of a man" "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got"

  3. obscene words for unacceptable behavior;

    "I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk" "what he said was mostly bull"

  4. a serious and ludicrous blunder;

    "he made a bad bull of the assignment"

  5. uncomplimentary terms for a policeman
  6. an investor with an optimistic market outlook; an investor who expects prices to rise and so buys now for resale later
  7. (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Taurus
  8. the second sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about April 20 to May 20
  9. the center of a target
  10. a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)
  11. mature male of various mammals of which the female is called `cow'; e.g. whales or elephants or especially cattle
  1. push or force;

    "He bulled through his demands"

  2. try to raise the price of stocks through speculative buying
  3. speak insincerely or without regard for facts or truths;

    "The politician was not well prepared for the debate and faked it"

  4. advance in price;

    "stocks were bulling"


  1. milk the bull做徒劳无益的事
  2. shoot the bull吹牛
  1. bull elephant公象
  2. bull market多头市场
  3. bull neck短粗的脖子
  1. like bull凶猛的


  1. The pope issued a bull declaring that abortion was not approved by the church.教皇发布训令,宣布堕胎不被教堂认可。
  1. Still another depicted Europa deceived by Jupiter under the disguise of a bull.再一幅是描写欧罗巴尼如何被化身成公牛的朱庇特所欺骗。
  2. A slow exposure blurs the charge of a bull at a bullfight in Arequipa, Peru.在秘鲁阿雷基帕一场斗牛赛中,相机的缓速曝光将这张公牛的攻击姿势拍得模糊不清。
  3. He is a bull man.他是个鲁莽的人。


    bull的基本意思是未阉割的公牛。用于比喻时,可指“体壮如牛的人”; 也可指某些陆地或海洋中躯体庞大的“雄性动物”。 bull还可指证券交易所中,买进股票以期不久可高价卖出的人。 bull用于俚语时,可作“胡说八道,吹牛”解。