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美['kɑːdərmæn]  英['kɑːdərmæn]
n.  骨干;[军]基干士兵


  1. In 1998, some cadreman are admitted as shareholder. 1998年,公司将部分骨干吸收为股东。
  2. Train manufactures cadreman and advanced management people. 为企业培养生产骨干和高层次的管理人员;
  3. The cadreman of laboratory of functio-nal nanomaterials and nanostructures, Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 中国科学院固体物理研究所纳米材料与纳米结构研究室科研骨干。
  4. Head nurses were the cadreman in management of nursing,the management ability and integrative quality of head nurse were affected quality of nursing directly. 护士长是护理队伍中的骨干,也是科室管理的“领头羊”,护士长的管理能力和综合素质直接影响着护理工作的质量。
  5. It discusses the redundancy strategy on how to realize input ,output,power,CPU in the mode new structure.This helps huge and cadreman hydropower plants to realize the target of no-man on duty. 计算机监控系统是水电厂创国内一流水电厂基础,更是创国际一流水电厂,实现“无人值班,关门运行"的前提条件。
  6. It discusses the redundancy strategy on how to realize input , output , power , CPU in the mode new structure . This helps huge and cadreman hydropower plants to realize the target of no-man on duty. 计算机监控系统是水电厂创国内一流水电厂基础,更是创国际一流水电厂,实现“无人值班,关门运行"的前提条件。