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美  英
n.  [希神]卡尔克斯(特洛伊战争中希腊军队方面的阿波罗奉祀祭司和随军占卜师)


  1. The seer, Calchas, after consulting an oracle, revealed the cause of the trouble. 先知卡尔卡斯,在问讯神谕所后道出了造成这一切的原因。
  2. The seer , Calchas, after consulting an oracle, revealed the cause of the trouble. 先知卡尔卡斯,在问讯神谕所后道出了造成这一切的原因。
  3. Again Calchas revealed the cause of the trouble, and Agamemnon most sullenly restored the girl to the priest. 先知卡尔卡斯又一次透露了瘟疫产生的原因。于是,一筹莫展的阿佃门农只好把姑娘还给了祭司。
  4. Instead of S.S.“Manhattan Maru”as previously ad-vised,you are now required to ship the goods of this order by S.S.“CALCHAS”. 货物早已备妥待运,但是,由于你方信用证延迟到达,货物不能按期装运。
  5. When Calchas was about to stab his knife at the girl's neck, a miracle occurred before the bewildered eyes of all: A hind was seen writhing in blood where Iphigenia had been. 当卡尔卡斯准备把刀刺进姑娘的脖子时,奇迹出现了。在众人一双双迷惑的眼睛前,一只雌马鹿躺在刚才伊菲革尼亚站的地方,浑身是血,扭动着躯体。
  6. Calchas was at his wit's end to know why Troy had not yet fallen 卡尔卡斯这时已智穷计尽,说不出为什么特洛伊直到现在还攻不下来。