Purpose:To investigate the effect of ESWL on renal calyceal stones. 目的:探讨体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治疗肾盏结石的效果。
Results:The stone free rates of upper,middle and lower calyceal stones were 73.7%,61.1%and 78.7%respectively. 结果:肾上盏结石排净率为73.;7%25,肾中盏结石为61
This method is suitable for intrarenal staghorn and othercomplex pyelolithiasis with multiple calyceal calculus. 适合于肾内型肾盂鹿角状或铸状结石并发肾盏多发性结石的治疗。
Clinical features and surgical treatment of calyceal diverticula (report of 32 cases) Chen Lingwu,Chen Wei,Mei Hua,et al. 中华泌尿外科杂志1998年第11期第19卷论著作者:陈凌武陈炜梅骅郑克立曾金云戴宇平单位:510080广州,中山医科大学附属第一医院泌尿外科...
In this case, a large "staghorn" calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system. 在本例,一个大的“鹿角”样(因外形象鹿角,故而名之)结石充满了肾盂和肾盏。