- This page will show students how to disable CDP. 本页将展示给学生如何停用CDP。
- What command will disable CDP on a router interface? 那个指令可以在路由器接口上关闭CDP协议?
- The low\|cost production of CDP chips from MTA was introduced. 介绍了用中纯度对苯二甲酸(MTA)生产阳离子可染(CDP)切片的工艺。
- The technology status of CDP synthesis from PTA was summarized. 概述了PTA路线的生产现状;
- The next page will describe how CDP can be disabled. 下一页将描述CDP如何能被停用。
- AVO Effects in CDP Gathers and its Influences to Lithologic Processing. CDP道集内的AVO效应及对岩性处理的影响