[U]水泥 gray powder, made by burning lime and clay, that sets hard after mixing water and is used in building to stick bricks together or for making very hard surfaces
[U]接合剂,黏合物 any similar soft substance that sets firm and is used for sticking things together
vt. & vi. 在…上抹水泥 cover with cement
vt. & vi. 粘牢 join or make firm (as if) with cement
vt. & vi. 巩固,加强 strengthen; unite firmly
concrete pavement is sometimes referred to as cement;
"they stood on the grey cement beside the pool"
a building material that is a powder made of a mixture of calcined limestone and clay; used with water and sand or gravel to make concrete and mortar
something that hardens to act as adhesive material
any of various materials used by dentists to fill cavities in teeth
a specialized bony substance covering the root of a tooth
make fast as if with cement;
"We cemented our friendship"
cover or coat with cement
bind or join with or as if with cement
mix cement搅拌水泥
pour cement倒水泥
quick setting cement速凝水泥
rapid hardening cement速硬水泥
glass cement玻璃胶
cement friendship加深友谊
cement relations加强联系
cement further进一步加强
cement enduringly持久地粘牢
cement firmly稳固
cement fixedly固定
cement permanently永久地巩固
cement perpetually永久地巩固
cement securely牢靠地巩固
cement by time用岁月浇铸
cement into dirty ice结成泥冰
cement sth to sth把某物粘牢在某物上
The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump.水泥袋砰的一声落在地上。
Custom was in early days the cement of society.习俗是早期社会维系的纽带。
The floor has been cemented over.地板上铺了一层水泥。
They decided to cement the pavement.他们决定在人行道上铺上水泥。
The arrangement will contribute to cement our pleasant relationship.此项安排将有助于巩固我们良好的关系。
Our object is to further cement trade relations.我们的目标是进一步加强贸易关系。