Ureaplasma urealyticum of cervicovaginal secretion and seminal fluid was studied in 165 women and a part of men. 本文报道165例妇女宫颈阴道分泌物和部分不育男性精液的溶脲脲原体的分离结果。
The wound healed without any complications, in 12 day posttransplant the cervicovaginal anastomosis was evaluated positively. 移植术后患者的伤口愈合情况很好,没有出现任何并发症。
We report a case of pemphigus vulgaris involving the vagina diagnosed on a liquid-based cervicovaginal smear Thin Prep(R) (TP). 我们报道一例在妇科薄层液基细胞学涂片中得到诊断的阴道寻常天疱疮。
To investigate the etiologies of discrepancies between cervicovaginal smear and corresponding cervical biopsy results, a total of 15474 cervicovaginal smears were sampled in a one-year period. 摘要为探究诊断不一致之阴道子宫颈抹片和活组织检法之原因,在研究的一年内,共筛检了15474个阴道子宫颈抹片病例,其中427个病例为阳性结果,故此页筛检之阳性率为2.;8%25。