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美[sə'viːtʃeɪ]  英[sə'viːtʃeɪ]
n.  酸橘汁腌鱼


  1. Chefs prepare the traditional ceviche in Lima December 7, 2008. 秘鲁利马的大厨正准备制作传统食物什比茄。
  2. Fresh green salads, cold soups, white fish, ceviche, fresh shellfish. 佐餐建议:佐餐可以配以新鲜的蔬菜沙拉、白色的鱼肉、汤等等。
  3. Food Recommendation: This Sauvignon Blanc complements both chicken and pork dishes but is truly fabulous with oysters, fresh Dungeness crab, prawns, ceviche or other shellfish. 配餐建议:这款颂维翁布朗克可以和鸡肉或猪肉搭配;但与海鲜;贝类;如生蚝;蟹肉;对虾相配则口感更佳.
  4. Timon:"It could be ceviche. " 丁满:"酸橙汁腌鱼。"
  5. Timon:“It could be ceviche. ” 丁满:“酸橙汁腌鱼。”
  6. Peruvian chefs, elbow deep in more than six tonnes of square-cut fish, onion and lime, won on Sunday the Guinness World Record for preparing the largest ceviche, a Peruvian seafood specialty. 什比茄是秘鲁传统的海鲜特产,大厨们所制作的最大什比茄,在周日获得金氏世界纪录,淹没手肘的食材,包括超过6公吨切成块状的鱼、洋葱、酸橙。