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美[tʃer]  英[tʃeə(r)]
n.  椅子;(会议的)主席
vt.  主持;当 ... 的主席
  过去式:chaired  过去分词:chaired  现在分词:chairing  第三人称单数:chairs


  1. 椅子
  2. 主席(席位)
  3. 大学教授的职位
  4. <美口>电椅
  5. <旧>轿子
  6. 讲座
  7. 议长,会长
  8. 总统的职位
  9. 市长职位
  10. 【铁路】轨座
  11. 【矿】罐座
  12. 垫板
  13. 【天】星座
  14. 委员长(职位)
  1. 使入座,使就座,使坐下
  2. 使就任要职, 使就职,使就位
  3. 任主席,当 ... 的主席
  4. <英>将(比赛、选举等中的获胜者)高高抬着走
  5. 主持(会议)


  1. [C]椅子 moveable seat with a back and sometimes with arms, for one person to sit on
  2. [C]大学教授职位 position of a university professor; professorship
  3. [U]主持会议的主席(的席位或职位) (position of the) person in charge of a meeting
  1. vt. 主持 act as a chairman of (sth)
  2. vt. 把得胜者高高抬起 carry sb who has won sth in a sitting position on the shoulders of a group


  1. a seat for one person, with a support for the back;

    "he put his coat over the back of the chair and sat down"

  2. the position of professor;

    "he was awarded an endowed chair in economics"

  3. the officer who presides at the meetings of an organization;

    "address your remarks to the chairperson"

  4. an instrument of execution by electrocution; resembles an ordinary seat for one person;

    "the murderer was sentenced to die in the chair"

  5. a particular seat in an orchestra;

    "he is second chair violin"

  1. act or preside as chair, as of an academic department in a university;

    "She chaired the department for many years"

  2. preside over;

    "John moderated the discussion"


  1. appoint a chair任命主席
  2. get the chair被处(坐电椅)死刑
  3. give up a chair放弃大学教授的职位
  4. go to the chair被处(坐电椅)死刑
  5. hold the chair of担任主席职务
  6. keep one's chair保持住主席职务
  7. leave the chair结束主席会议
  8. make a chair制作椅子
  9. manufacture a chair制作椅子
  10. move a chair移动椅子
  11. resign a chair辞去主席职务
  12. set chair安放椅子
  13. take a chair坐上椅子
  14. take the chair当主席,主持会议
  1. rotating chair转椅
  2. antique chair古式椅子
  3. broken chair破椅子
  4. comfortable chair舒适的椅子
  5. easy chair安乐椅
  6. electric chair电椅(处死刑用)
  7. empty chair没人坐的椅子,空坐椅
  8. hard chair硬椅子
  9. rocking chair摇椅
  10. soft chair软椅子
  11. editorial chair主编的职位
  12. professional chair业务讲座
  1. arm chair扶手椅
  2. baby chair婴儿坐椅
  3. beach chair海滨躺椅
  4. camp chair〈英〉轻便折椅
  5. cane chair藤椅
  6. comfort chair安乐椅
  7. double chair双人椅
  8. kitchen chair厨房里用的椅子
  9. leather chair皮椅
  10. living-room chair起居室的椅子
  11. spring-seat chair弹簧坐椅
  12. the witness chair证人席
  13. university chair大学教授职位
  14. wheel chair轮椅
  1. dismiss sb from his chair解除某人的主席职务
  2. rise from one's chair从椅子上站起
  3. sit in a chair坐在椅子上
  4. sink into a chair瘫坐在椅子上
  5. be on the chair在任职
  6. appeal to the chair请主席裁决
  1. chair off扛着走出
  2. chair sb off the field扛着…走出场地
  3. chair round抬着绕一周
  4. chair sb round the field抬着某人绕场一周
  1. chair a discussion主持讨论
  2. chair a meeting主持会议
  3. chair an evening banquet and after-dinner program主持晚宴和饭后节目


  1. Her hands rested on the arms of her chair.她的双手搁在椅子的扶手上。
  2. He sat in a chair near the door.他坐在靠门的一把椅子上。
  3. Mr Smith will take the chair at the next meeting.下次会议将由史密斯先生主持。
  4. He was elected chair of the city council.他当选为市议会主席。
  1. I'd like you to chair the meeting.我想请你主持会议。
  2. The teacher appointed her to chair the class meeting.老师指定她主持班务会。
  3. Take the chair for the papers by Cunin and Cronan.担任库宁和克罗兰等论文讨论会的主席。
  4. She takes the chair in all our meetings.她担任我们一切会议的主席。


    chair的基本意思是“椅子”,指有靠背,有时还有扶手的单人椅。引申可指“坐在椅子上的”会议主席、大学教授职位。在大学里,设立、保持、得到、辞掉一个讲座也用chairchair作“会议主席,大学教授”等职位解时,须与the 连用,首字母通常用大写。用作主语时,其谓语动词常用单数形式。 take a chair表示“请坐”, take the chair表示“主席就位,主持会议”。
    chair用作动词时表示“主持”,还可表示“把得胜者高高抬起”。 chair是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。