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美['tʃɑːnsɪnɪs]  英['tʃɑːnsɪnɪs]
n.  不确定性


  1. To find out its cause, the main risks of new products' failure originate from the chanciness of market. 究其原因,新产品失败的主要风险来自于市场的不确定性。
  2. Some certain chanciness are existing in the coal accidents,and inevitabilities which are represent on the risk factors of coal mine system also do. 煤矿事故的发生存在一定的偶然,但其内在也是存在着必然的,此必然就体现到了煤矿系统内部所存在风险因素。
  3. As the science of 21st century, Complexity refers to "unavoidable of chanciness and disorder, nonlinear and unbalanced-ness and an order from disorder" and so on. 摘要复杂性是二十一世纪的科学,它是“偶然性和无序性的不可消除”、“多样性的统一”、“非线性和非平衡”、“来自无序的有序”。
  4. In Chapter three, the thesis analyses concretely anatomies some pairs of Philosophy categories such as sensibility and logos, inevitability and chanciness, exc. 第三章在紧密结合新闻报道需要遵循的原则的基础上,具体剖析了感性与理性、必然性与偶然性等几对哲学范畴,为其寻找哲学上的理论依据。
  5. At the same time its selective conclusion and re-creation have obviously man-made tache and chanciness, that"s the phenomenon of sentimental cultural sight. “八景”兼有描述自然景观和人文景观的内容,同时它的选择归纳和再创造有着很明显的人为色彩和偶然性,是颇有情趣的文化景观现象。
  6. Most faults" happening seems to be chanciness, in fact the hidden trouble range and its sequence can be found from catenary parameters before its operation. 目前大多数故障的发生看似具有一定的偶然性,其实从其运行前的参数就可以知道故障的隐患范围和可能发生的结果。