widely distributed edible mushroom rich yellow in color with a smooth cap and a pleasant apricot aroma
Put Chanterelle Mushroom on the top of fat beef,then roll it. 将鸡油菌放于雪花肥牛中,然后卷起。
Dishes fitting: Ham, pigeons with peas, omelette with cepes, assortment of cheese, rib of veal with chanterelle, candied duck, pork fillet with olives. 菜肴搭配:火腿,鸽子,煎蛋,乳酪,小牛排, 鸭子,猪肉等。
enoki, black truffle, chanterelle,porcini, chicken leg mushroom, 菇;黑松露菌;牛肝菌;羊肚菌;鸡脾菇;鲍鱼菇
of cheese, rib of veal with chanterelle, candied duck, pork fillet with olives. 食物搭配:火腿,鸽子,煎蛋,乳酪,小牛排,鸭子,猪肉等