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美['tʃæpstɪk]  英['tʃæpstɪk]
n.  防裂膏(预防或治疗嘴唇干裂的一种药膏的商标名)


  1. The weather is too dry. I need some Chapstick. 天气干燥,我需要无色的唇膏。
  2. I had chapped lips and I thought I was using chapstick. 我的嘴唇被撕破我以为是长期使用筷子。
  3. Small enough to pass off as a lipstick (or a chapstick for you guys), the device is discreet enough for you to quickly hop into a quiet corner, check for directions and make your way forth. 小巧的足以被误认为是口红(小伙子的话就是唇膏啦),这款仪器毫不显眼,足以让你快速闪进一个安静的角落,查看方向找到前进路线。
  4. 7.The weather is too dry. I need some Chapstick. 天气干燥,我需要无色的唇膏。
  5. - What?|- Can you bring me my ChapStick? |- 什么呢?|- 把我的唇膏带过来好吗?
  6. Human Male -"A duck walked into an apothecary and he said, "Give me some chapstick, and put it on my bill" 一只鸭子走进一间商店说:给我一点唇膏。记在我的账上。