a long sleeveless vestment worn by a priest when celebrating Mass
Lube, self-lubricating vagina and chasuble red lips. 生动红唇,楚楚动人!完全仿真人头发!
It is before him, on the chasuble, that he may look closely upon the footsteps of Christ and try to follow them fervently. 祭披前面有十字,为叫他仔细观看耶稣的事迹,热心效法。
He did not attempt to impart to his chasuble the folds of Elijah's mantle,he projected no ray of future upon the dark groundswell of events; 他绝不想使他的祭服具有以利亚的法衣的皱褶,他对这黑暗世界中人事的兴衰起伏,不怀任何希冀;
He did not attempt to impart to his chasuble the folds of Elijah's mantle,he projected no ray of future upon the dark groundswell of events 他绝不想使他的祭服具有以利亚的法衣的皱褶,他对这黑暗世界中人事的兴衰起伏,不怀任何希冀