a monochrome picture made by using several different shades of the same color
Was it the plasticity or was it the chiaroscuro? 是可塑性还是明暗处理?
Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro. 细工饰品通过明暗对比表现出两维性此种装饰品
Neo-classical paintings cultivated sharp colors with chiaroscuro. 新古典主义绘画培养出了色调鲜明的明暗对照法。
A tagged-up San Diego Transit bus seat, shot in a chiaroscuro mode. 明暗对照法公共汽车座位图片 chiaroscuro bus seat.
Lighting: high key (broad, even, bland); low-key (dramatic); and chiaroscuro (artistic, moody). 灯光:高调(明朗,均匀,柔和);低调(戏剧化);明暗对比(艺术化,情绪化)
Master Au combines elements of traditional Chinese painting with western perspective, chiaroscuro, and color schemes. 欧大师将中国传统的绘画技法与西方的透视法、明暗对照法和颜色组合融为一体。