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美['kroʊmoʊ]  英['krəʊməʊ]
n.  多彩石印版


  1. With silk it contests the chromo for smoothness. 它的平滑可以与丝绸相媲美。
  2. F ig. 3. Location of W bp h6 (t) on chromo som e 11 of rice. 空心杠示染色体,阴影部分示着丝粒位置13。
  3. Chromo paper A smooth, heavily coated paper, usually only coated on one side, often used for the printing of multi-colours such as labels, etc. 一种平滑,涂层特厚的纸。此种纸多数涂布一面,常用于多色彩印如标签等。
  4. Chromo paper: A smooth, heavily coated paper, usually only coated on one side, often used for the printing of multi-colours such as labels, etc. 彩印纸:一种平滑;涂层特厚的纸.;此种纸多数涂布一面;常用于多色彩印如标签等
  5. But with real diamond it contests the chromo for beautiful and polished, so it was usually used as the material of high and middle grade Accessory. 但因其美观且光泽度可以和真钻石媲美,所以常常用作高、中档饰品材料。
  6. Methods :Using the chromo somal analysis and flurospectrop hotomytry methods to expel the chromosomal abnormality and mucoplysacch aridosis. 方法染色体检查排除染色体病,采用荧光光度计检测。