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美[tʃʌb]  英[tʃʌb]
n.  鲦鱼;白鲑


  1. European freshwater game fish with a thick spindle-shaped body


  1. The fishing area, covering an area about7,000 m2, has raised five resorts of fish such as crucian, herring, chub, and the total gross is over5,000 kg. 河面面积达到了7000多平方米,河中生长鲫鱼、鱼、鱼、鱼、鱼等五种鱼类,总量超过了5千斤。
  2. You would be really hard pressed to find a Gay Senior or a Chub or a Visible Minority at any of the gay scenes mentioned above. 在上面提到的同志场合中很难找到年老的同志、白熊或者少数民族。
  3. Chub mackerel (Scomber Japonicus) is one of the important pelagic fishery resources in the China's coastal waters. 日本鲐是我国近海重要的中上层鱼类资源之一。
  4. Sometimes, men use the baths to try and find a type (Asian, Chub, Bear, etc.) they cannot find anywhere else. 有时,男人在那里可以找到在其他任何地方都不能找到的类型(比如亚洲人、白人或熊等)。
  5. Location is somewhere on a small private island north-west of nassau (Chub Cay). 位置上的某个地方一个小型私人岛屿西北部拿骚(鲢鱼礁)。
  6. In this paper the storage characteristics of light salted chub ma-ckerel were studied. 本文对淡腌鲐鱼(含盐量2%25)的贮藏特性进行了研究。