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美  英
abbr.  Commander in chief总司令


  1. CINC may be involved in the pathogenesis of PALI. 大鼠肺组织内CINC参与胰腺炎肺损伤过程。
  2. CINC concentration reached its peak at 12 h after reprefusion. CINC浓度达顶峰出现在再灌注 12 h。
  3. CINC not only involved in the reperfusion injury, but also acute rejection. CINC不仅参与再灌注损伤, 而且参与急性排斥反应。
  4. The CINC's legal staff coordinates, approves, and reviews this process. 最高指挥官的法律幕僚应协调、批准和检视此等程序。
  5. AIM:To study the changes of expression of cytokine induced neutrophil chemoattractant(CINC 1) in rats after spinal cord injury. 目的:探讨大鼠脊髓损伤后中性粒细胞趋化因子(CINC-1)表达的变化规律。
  6. CINC mRNA expression in lung tissue was rapidly increased after 2 h of the challenge (P 正常肺组织中有微量CINC mR-NA表达;给药2 h后迅速上升;至6 h时其表达进一步增强(P<0.;001)。