Main production and sales: MP3 player, Cinecamera, digital camera, excellent one,etc.! 主要生产销售:MP3随身听,数码摄像机,数码相机,优盘等!
The ink flowing proceduce in glass capillary clearnance under vibration and no vibration condition is recorded by using consecutive photography and cinecamera. 文 中采用了连续拍摄及电影拍摄的方法,记录了墨水在振动和不振动条 件下在玻璃毛细间隙中的流动过程。
The effects of double coating on the pores of lime titania type stainless steel electrode are studied with high speed cinecamera, oscillograph, optical microscope, SEM with EDS, etc. 采用平板堆焊、高速摄影、波形分析、光学金相、扫描电镜能谱分析等测试方法,研究了双层药皮对钛钙型不锈钢焊条气孔的影响。