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美[ˌsɪnə'reɪʃən]  英[sɪnə'reɪʃən]
n.  灰化


  1. The main source of Dioxin pollution is rubbish cineration. 垃圾焚烧是城市中二恶英污染的主要来源。
  2. Cineration is becoming a key means of disposing our rubbish with the improvement of our economy. 摘要随着经济的发展,我国垃圾的焚烧将成为处理垃圾的主要方法。
  3. Only replacing the damage and deformation ciner in use, can reduce spillage of material thus lower its cost. 在使用损坏变形后,只需更换内衬,减少了材料损耗,降低了成本。
  4. Talc powder in flour was determined by X-ray diffraction analysis( XRD) after isolation of flour with carbon tetrachloride or cineration at high temperature from500℃ to750℃. 通过四氯化碳分离或高温灰化,X射线衍射分析测定面粉中掺入的滑石粉。
  5. ICP experiment conditions for pretreating samples with magnesium nitrate dry cineration were studied.Using hydride generation-ICP/AES method, we could determine the microarsenic in crude oil. 对硝酸镁干法灰化前处理样品条件及ICP仪实验条件进行了优化,建立了氢化物发生与发射光谱联用技术对原油中的微量砷进行测定的方法。
  6. Keywords Solid waste;Cineration;Dioxin; 固体废弃物;焚烧;二恶英;