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美[ˌsɜːkəm'æmbɪənt]  英[ˌsɜːkəm'æmbɪənt]
adj.  围绕的;周围的
  副词:circumambiently  名词:circumambience


  1. You don't influence the people around of you ,but you can remodel whom circumambient of you. 你无法改变你周围的人,但可以改变你所围绕的人。
  2. Central position fixing, circumambient supporting,vertical bearing,and frame structure are applied to design of 2 # noumenon of casting wheel. 2%23浇铸机的圆盘本体设计采用中心定位,周边支承,垂直受力,框架结构。
  3. Radical surgery appears to offer the best chance and different approaches can be selected according to tumor stage and invasive condition of the circumambient organ. 手术是本病的基本治疗措施,可根据肿瘤的范围、周围器官受累情况选择手术范围。
  4. The Circumambient Ditch of Prehistory Settlement in China had the obvious diff erence from the moats of a city and a settlement. Many characters of the ditch d eveloped from south to north. 史前聚落围沟是一种与聚落环壕、城址城壕有很大区别的聚落设施,中国史前聚落围沟许多特点在时间上、空间上存在一种由南向北逐步推进演变的历史现象,其形成发展既受制于自然环境;
  5. Results The total variance rate of cystic duct was 78.6% of which length was 41.7%,postition was 35.7%,direction was 52.4%,collateral or circumambient with common hepatic duct was 47.6%. 6%25。其中胆囊管长度变异占41。7%25,汇入位置变异占35。7%25,汇入方向变异占52。4%25,与肝总管并、绕行占47。
  6. circumambient pressure attenuation 围压衰减