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美['kloʊzˌpɪn]  英['kləʊzpɪn]
n.  晒衣夹


  1. wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline


  1. I went down to the local kmart and looked for a clothesline and clothespin. 我来到本地的凯马特百货商店,想要买晾衣绳和夹子。
  2. At his side was a clothespin that he handled the entire interview, pinching his fingers as he spoke. 莱杰近日在纽约接受采访时表示,“我不停地揣摩他的语音、动作。
  3. And though poor Amy slept with a patent clothespin pinching it, she could not attain the Grecian effect she so much desired. 尽管可怜的艾米在睡觉时用一只特制的衣服夹子夹住它,也无法达到她所要求的高鼻子的目的。
  4. Close-up of a clothespin. 晒衣夹图片 Clothespin.
  5. For, when she was a baby Jo had accidentally dropped her into the coal-hod and permanently flattened that feature, and though poor Amy slept with a patent clothespin pinching it, she couldn't attain the Grecian effect she so much desired. 因为,在她还是婴儿时,乔不小心把她掉进煤筐里,把鼻子摔扁了,造成了永久的破相。尽管可怜的艾米在睡觉时用一只特制的衣服夹子夹住它,也无法达到她所要求的高鼻子的目的。
  6. and though poor Amy slept with a patent clothespin pinching it, she couldn't attain the Grecian effect she so much desired. 尽管可怜的艾米在睡觉时用一只特制的衣服夹子夹住它,也无法达到她所要求的高鼻子的目的。