Objective To explore the research progress of coccoid H.pylori. 目的探讨球形幽门螺杆菌的研究进展;
They are spherical (coccoid) or form long microscopic filaments of individual cells. 通常是球状的(球菌样的)或长微纤丝的单个细胞。
Aim To reveal the virulence variation related to vacuolating cytotoxicity of coccoid Helicobacter pylori . 目的揭示球形幽门螺杆菌致细胞空泡变性毒力的变异情况。
S. guan carried coccoid Beauveria bassiana to control M. alternatus in the wood section, and the rate was 87.13%. 管氏肿腿蜂携带球孢白僵菌防治木段内的松墨天牛幼虫寄生感染死亡率为87.;13%25。
The de novo protein synthesis of coccoid form was even higher than those of spiral form. 相反的,而在球形体新合成的蛋白质则明显高于杆状体。
OBJECTIVE To explore whether the coccoid formed by Bifidobacterium under the unfavorable conditions belongs to the bacterial cryptic growth cells. 目的探讨双歧杆菌属在不利条件下形成的球形体,是否为细菌潜生体的一种形式。