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美[kə'ʊɜːsɪvlɪ]  英[kə'ʊɜːsɪvlɪ]
adv.  强制地;压迫地


  1. The people's court may summon coercively a defendant who must appear at the hearing, but has refused to do so without proper reason after two summons. 人民法院对必须到庭的被告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。
  2. However, a large proportion objected to hospitalization,especially objected to be coercively hospitalized,to which many causes attributed. 入院时不愿意入院的主要原因是认为没有精神病(68.;9%25),担心受到歧视(42
  3. The length of nanoparticles was 150 nm and the aspect ratio was 8. Metal powders were obtained by reduction of goethite nanoparticles, with the saturation magnetization and coercively of 151 emu/g and 790 Oe, respectively. 用NaOH制备出针状钠米粒子;长轴为150 urn;轴比约8*;进一步还原得到的金属磁记录粉的比饱和磁化强度为151 elnu/;矫顽力为790 Oe.
  4. Thirdly, the abuse of monopolistic situation popularly exists, and enterprises monopolize coercively the business of installing and repairing, and coercively sell their products and service. 普遍存在滥用垄断地位,强制垄断安装维修,强制售卖,强制服务;
  5. The universal ethic also tells us what our human or natural rights are:we have the right to do anything that does not coercively harm others, and the right to be free form coercive harm. 这种通用的道德规范告诉我们什么是人权或者叫天生的权利。我们有权利做任何不强制伤害别人的事并有权躲避所有强制的伤害。
  6. coercively a defendant who must appear at the hearing, but has refused to do so without proper reason after two summons. 人民法院对必须到庭的被告,经两次传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以拘传。