chiefly fall-blooming perennial cormous herbs; sometimes placed in family Colchicaceae
Haploid breeding is a method of doubling the spontaneous or artifical haploid with colchicum, and selecting the super doubled lines. 单倍体育种是利用自然发生或人工培育的单倍体,经染色体加倍获得纯合二倍体,再从中选育自交系的方法。
Now you've pulled about Blondel's yellow wig, and Colchicum's black one, why don't you have a try at that brown one, hay? 你奚落布朗德尔的黄假发,奚落科尔奇坎的黑假发,你为什么不敢碰一下那头棕色的假发,嗨?
The medicinal value of using colchicum was first identified in the first century A.D. and its use for treating acute gout dates back to 1810. 秋水仙碱的药用价值最早于公元1世纪就被发现,而有关其用于治疗急性痛风的数据则可追溯到1810年。
The medication's active ingredient is colchicine a complex compound derived from the dried seeds of a plant known as the autumn crocus or meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale). 该药的活性成份为秋水仙碱(colchicine),是一种来源于植物秋藏红花或秋水仙的干燥种子的复杂化合物。
Colchicum autumnale L. [医] 秋水仙
The result showed that the spermary under 0.05% colchicum for 6-10 hours pretreatment, 0.4% KC1 solution for 45minutes to get the low osmosis, and Giemsa dyed for 10-20 minutes, the clear and separated chromosome can been observed. 结果表明:将金龟子精巢用0.;05%25秋水仙素预处理6-12 h;0