Both root and root cap are covered by a sheath-like structure called the coleorhiza. 根和根冠被一鞘状结构,即胚根鞘所覆盖。
The mature embryo is corn posed of radicle, coleorhiza, plumule, coleoptile, scutellum and epiblast.That is the typical structure of the mature embryo of grass. 成熟胚具有胚根、胚芽、盾片、胚芽鞘、胚根鞘、外胚叶等典型禾本科植物成熟胚的结构。
Coleorhiza (pl. coleorhizae) The protective sheath surrounding the radicle in grasses. 胚根鞘:保护幼根的鞘状结构。
Both root and root cap are covered by a sheath-like structure called the coleorhiza 根和根冠被一鞘状结构,即胚根鞘所覆盖。
Both root and root cap.are covered by a sheath-like structure called the coleorhiza 根和根冠被一鞘状结构,即胚根鞘所覆盖。