"College" came from collegium, a Latin word with a similar meaning. "College"这个词来自表示相似意义的拉丁词collegium。
Course in University Institute leadership, SDU and the rectorate collegium. 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 15.
Collegecome " came from Collegil.A letter collegium, a Latin word was the with a similar meaning. “学院”这个词来源于自行管理委员会,也是拉丁文,于大学这个词是相似的意思。
College (Latin: collegium) is a term most often used today to denote degree awarding tertiary educational institution. 省属高等院校,包括医学院概况、教科资讯,并提供网络资源服务。位于沈阳。
As a guest at the Collegium Leoninum, you can look forward to a tasty breakfast buffet each morning, ensuring an energetic start to your day. 酒店欢迎您在泳池、桑拿、蒸汽浴室和日光浴室中放松,或在设备齐全的健身房运动。阳光明媚的日子,您还可以在花园或屋顶露台上休憩。