Communitarian fairness is to ask for common good based on community. 社群主义政治哲学寻求基于共同体与善的目的之教育公平。
Fernandez could arrive as not communitarian, in the case Ledesma would reach the Italian citizenship. 当然,费尔南德斯也可以在没有欧盟护照的情况下加盟,前提是莱德斯马获得意大利国籍。
New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism. 新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。
Today, the liberal element dominates the democratic communitarian element, upsetting the delicate balance. 今天,自由的成分支配着民主的集体主义成分,破坏着微妙的平衡。
The communitarian paradigm offers a portrait of humans as naturally embedded in communities. 集体主义的范式所提供的人类形象就是根植于集体社会的自然状态。
All the work under review seems to agree that universalism is a product of relative history and relativism hosts a universalistic logic within the said communitarian boundaries. 摘要二十世纪末期所召开对亚洲价值有关的辩论甚多,其中研讨会的成果在新近发表的有三本,对这个课题有十分新颖而广泛的探讨,值得国内学界重视。