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美[kən'faɪn]  英[kən'faɪn]
vt.  限制;禁闭
n.  范围;界限;约束;限制
  形容词:confinable  名词:confiner  过去式:confined  过去分词:confined  现在分词:confining  第三人称单数:confines


  1. 范围,区域
  2. 边界,界限,边缘,边境,边疆,边境地区
  3. 境界
  4. 国界,疆界
  5. 限度
  6. 拘禁,监牢
  7. 约束,限制
  1. 限制,限定,保持在…限度内,把...限制在一定范围内,限(于)
  2. 禁闭,监禁,幽禁,禁锢,关(起来),使闭居,使闭门不出,使离不开
  3. 【物】约束
  4. 使局限,局限于
  5. 吸持
  6. 使卧床,(因病)卧床
  7. 分娩,坐月子
  8. <古>邻接,接界,接壤,毗邻,与...相邻,与...接界
  9. 蛰居,闭居
  10. 集中
  11. 管制


  1. vt. 限制; 局限于 keep or hold, restrict, within limits
  2. vt. 禁闭; 管制; 关起来 keep shut up
  1. [P]界限,范围 limits; borders


  1. place limits on (extent or access);

    "restrict the use of this parking lot" "limit the time you can spend with your friends"

  2. restrict or confine,

    "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"

  3. prevent from leaving or from being removed
  4. close in; darkness enclosed him
  5. deprive of freedom; take into confinement
  6. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;

    "This holds the local until the express passengers change trains" "About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade" "The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center" "The terrorists held the journalists for ransom"


  1. confine one's activities限制活动
  2. confine the disease控制疾病
  3. confine the fire控制大火
  4. confine the flood water挡住洪水
  5. confine the prisoner押禁犯人
  6. confine the study of modern languages只学习现代语言
  7. confine the subject限制题目
  8. confine thief把小偷关起来
  1. confine chiefly主要限于
  2. confine completely完全限于
  3. confine exclusively只限于
  4. confine strictly严格地限制
  1. confine sb at hard labour服苦役
  2. confine sth by an enclosure用篱笆围起来
  3. confine in a dungeon被关在地牢里
  4. confine of a girl生个女孩
  5. confine on a country与一个国家接壤
  6. confine to(使)限制在…
  7. confine sb to bed(因病)卧床
  8. confine to quarters禁闭
  9. confine sth to a small area控制在一个小范围内
  10. confine to one topic局限在一个主题内
  11. confine within doors不得出家门
  12. confine within very narrow limits深受局限
  13. confine within the problem以这个问题为限
  1. beyond the confines of在…之外
  2. on the confine of濒于,差一点儿(就)
  3. out of the confines of在…之外
  4. within the confines of在…之内


  1. I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject.我希望演说者不要离题。
  2. I am sick, I have to confine to bed.我病了,我得卧床休息。
  3. The thief was confined in a prison.窃贼被关押在监狱里。
  4. Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage?把鸟关在笼子里残忍不残忍?
  1. This is outside the confines of human knowledge.这超出了人类知识范畴。
  2. The refiner defined a definite confine with her fine finger.提炼者用她精细的手指定义了一个明确的界限。
  3. Our first example of confining waves will be to confine a wave at one boundary.约束波的第一例子是使波动在一个界面上受到限制。
  4. It will use magnetic fields to confine hydrogen isotopes and heat them to hundreds of millions of degrees Celcius.它利用磁场约束氢的同位素并将其加热到数亿摄氏度。
  5. The murderer was placed in the confine.杀人犯被监禁了。


    confine的基本意思是“限制”“约束”“划界”,用作及物动词时指“把…限制在…范围内,限制的范围多是狭窄的空间,即“绝对不许越过或不能超出一定的范围或限度”,引申可表示严格管束或监禁,即“把…关在…里”“禁闭”等。 confine的主语可以是人,也可以是物,可接名词或代词作宾语,宾语后面也常可接介词,接to时多表示“限制在…范围内”; 接within时多表示“把…关在…里面”。