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美[kən'fjuːzd]  英[kən'fjuːzd]
adj.  困惑的;混乱的;混杂的
  副词:confusedly  名词:confusedness


  1. 混乱的,乱七八糟的,杂乱的
  2. 困惑的,难懂的,惶惑的,迷惑的,茫然若失的
  3. 糊涂的,不清楚的
  4. 莫名其妙的
  5. 慌乱的,狼狈的


  1. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment;

    "obviously bemused by his questions" "bewildered and confused" "a cloudy and confounded philosopher" "just a mixed-up kid" "she felt lost on the first day of school"

  2. lacking orderly continuity;

    "a confused set of instructions" "a confused dream about the end of the world" "disconnected fragments of a story" "scattered thoughts"

  3. having lost your bearings; confused as to time or place or personal identity;

    "I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway" "the anesthetic left her completely disoriented"

  4. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion;

    "troops fleeing in broken ranks" "a confused mass of papers on the desk" "the small disordered room" "with everything so upset"

  5. mentally confused; unable to think with clarity or act intelligently;

    "the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused"


  1. He was not all confused.他一点儿也不糊涂。
  2. The question is so hard, and we're getting confused.这问题太难,我们感到困惑。
  3. He was really confused by the freak result.这个异乎寻常的结果让他非常困惑。
  4. All your changes of plan have made me totally confused.你把计划改来改去,我都糊涂了。
  5. You should straighten out your confused thinking.你应该澄清你的混乱思想。
  6. It's hard to see any scheme in this piece of writing; it's very confused.很难看出这篇文章的结构,它非常混乱。
  7. Confused ideas floated through my mind.紊乱的观念浮现在我的心头。
  8. He gave a confused account of what happened.他把发生的事杂乱无章地叙述了一遍。
  9. There was a confused mass of papers on the floor.地板上有一堆杂乱无章的纸张。