"a confusing jumble of road signs" "being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child"
lacking clarity of meaning; causing confusion or perplexity;
"sent confusing signals to Iraq" "perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it" "a puzzling statement"
Officials say the samples will help sort out the confusing family relationships.官方称这些样本将有助于弄清令人困惑的亲属关系。
But this confusing place is a normal stage, a chemical letdown in both their brains.但是这样一种令人困惑的境地其实是一个十分正常的阶段,是双方脑部的一种化学减退。
Back in the Senate, fear that cap-and-trade will be painted as a murky, confusing job-killer and a bureaucratic hassle makes Democrats in conservative states nervous.回来说参议院,担心限制与交易法案被描绘为一个阴暗的,费解的就业杀手和官僚的论战,弄得在保守州的民主党人紧张不安。