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美['koʊnɪˌfɔːm]  英['kəʊnɪfɔːm]
adj.  圆锥形的


  1. Ovary coniform;style short;stigma 4-lobed. 子房锥状花柱短柱头4裂。
  2. Ovary coniform;style short;stigma expanded, irregularly lobed. 子房锥状花柱短柱头扩大,不规则浅裂。
  3. He looked up to the hillside and saw the route swanning up to that cross coniform stele, the rocks were solarized withite by the fiery sunshine. 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。
  4. This paper mainly study the design and application of half-wavelengths coniform ultrasonic horn . 本论文主要研究半波长圆锥形超声聚能器的设计和应用。
  5. He looked up to the hillside and saw a pass leading to that cross coniform stele.The rock was made white by the scorching sunshine. 他抬头向山坡望去,只见小路盘旋而上通向那个圆锥形十字石碑,炽热的阳光将岩石晒得发白。
  6. This graph has important instructiviy function.By use the software to count the pure coniform ultrasonic horn’s parameter, we can rapidly and accurately obtain the results. 论文第三章对聚能器固有频率的有限元解法做一般性的推导,定性判断影响聚能器固有频率的因素,为聚能器的修正设计提供参考基础。