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美[kɒn'sɜːveɪtəʃɪp]  英[kɒn'sɜːveɪtəʃɪp]
n.  管理委员之职位


  1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are under conservatorship. 房利美和房地美被托管。
  2. Under a conservatorship, the authorities would aim to preserve Fannie and Freddie assets, rather than dispose of them. 在接管之下,当局将打算保存房利美和房贷美可用资产,而不是处理他们。
  3. Under conservatorship, the government would temporarily run Fannie and Freddie until they are on stronger footing. 在监管状态下,政府将短暂地营运房直到该两公司基础稳固。
  4. The “conservatorship” of Fannie and Freddie may soothe America's economic woes, but it will not solve them. “委托管理”房利美和房地美可能会缓解美国经济困境,但不是治本之道。
  5. You might like to think that there was an alternative to 'conservatorship,' but there really wasn't. 你可能会想除了接管应该还有别的办法,但真的没有了。
  6. In conservatorship, Fannie and Freddie are temporarily making 'big government' even bigger. 在政府接管下,两家公司暂时会使“大政府”更大。