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n.  君士坦丁堡(土耳其城市)


  1. the largest city and former capital of Turkey; rebuilt on the site of ancient Byzantium by Constantine I in the fourth century; renamed Constantinople by Constantine who made it the capital of the Byzantine Empire; now the seat of the Eastern Orthodox Church
  2. the council in 869 that condemned Photius who had become the patriarch of Constantinople without approval from the Vatican, thereby precipitating the schism between the eastern and western churches
  3. the sixth ecumenical council in 680-681 which condemned Monothelitism by defining two wills in Christ, divine and human
  4. the fifth ecumenical council in 553 which held Origen's writings to be heretic
  5. the second ecumenical council in 381 which added wording about the Holy Spirit to the Nicene Creed


  1. Baldwin agreed and then attempted to bring Arda back from Constantinople.博杜安接受了教皇的决定,并试图从君士坦丁堡接回阿尔达。
  2. The British army was directed from Scutari, a large village near Constantinople.英军从君士坦丁堡附近的一个大村子斯库台开始进发。