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美  英
adv.  完成地;至上地


  1. His behavior can only rely on studying the input of people data consummately. 他的行为,只能依靠研究人员数据的输入来完成。
  2. It consummately harmonizes Tsing (Qing) Dynasty’s exquisite techniques and humanity atmosphere. 线条硬朗,呈现清秀俊逸的独特韵味,将当时的工匠的精湛技艺与人文气息结合的无懈可击。
  3. The papillae on lingual mucosa in ostrich didn't develop consummately and it was merely distributed on the tip of lingua. 结果显示,鸵鸟舌背面黏膜乳头发育不完善,且仅分布在舌尖处;
  4. A consummately contradictory man, Hemingway achieved a fame surpassed by few, if any, American authors of the 20th century. 海明威是个极端矛盾的人物,他的名气在20世纪的美国作家当中大概无人能比。
  5. We will process manufacturing level with the top_grade technique and consummately, providing for you satisfied the plank material processes euipments. 我们将以一流的技术、精湛的加工制造水平,为您提供满意的板材加工设备。
  6. In millenary rear world, robot will with modern automobile, computer as universal. They will replace human consummately a significant task: Move to mankind moon! 几千年后的世界;机器人将与现代的汽车;电脑一样普遍.;他们将代替人类完成一项重大的任务:将人类移居到月球!