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美[kən'tɜːmɪnəs]  英[kɒn'tɜːmɪnəs]
adj.  相接的;连接的;有同一延伸的
  副词:conterminously  异体字:coterminous  名词:conterminousness


  1. connecting without a break; within a common boundary;

    "the 48 conterminous states" "the contiguous 48 states"

  2. having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching;

    "Rhode Island has two bordering states; Massachusetts and Conncecticut" "the side of Germany conterminous with France" "Utah and the contiguous state of Idaho" "neighboring cities"

  3. being of equal extent or scope or duration


  1. Anyhow, of furniture decorate should size look line, on any account is conterminous, strewn at random have send. 总之,家具的布置应该大小相衬,高低相接,错落有致。
  2. East with sweet continent area one river is conterminous, lie between sea facies to look with Hong Kong, Macao. 东与香洲区一河相接,与香港、澳门隔海相望。
  3. Of furniture decorate should size look line, on any account is conterminous, strewn at random have send. 家具的布置应该大小相衬,高低相接,错落有致。
  4. In the present calendar system, the close of one year is conterminous with the beginning of the next. 在目前的历法系统中,一年的结尾和下一年的开始是相连的。
  5. The occasional heave of the wind became the sigh of some immense sad soul, conterminous with the universe in space, and with history in time. 有时呼呼吹过的风,也好象是一个硕大无朋、伤感凄楚的灵魂,和宇宙一样大,和天地一样老,在那儿叹息。
  6. Of furniture decorate collocation to still answer size look line, on any account is conterminous, strewn at random have send. 家具的布置搭配还应大小相衬,高低相接、错落有致。