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美[kən'tɪgjuːəslɪ]  英[kən'tɪgjʊəslɪ]
adv.  接触地;连续地


  1. Mr Yang, however, united the panorama of all three gorges contiguously from Baidi Township in the west to Gezhou Dam in the east, onto one scroll. 象杨和岳先生那样,西自白帝城,东至葛洲坝,将瞿塘峡,巫峡,西陵峡的三峡全貌,洋洋洒洒的尽收于一纸画卷,实属少见。
  2. These protocols do not support discontiguous addressing, which make some addresses unusable if they are not assigned contiguously. 这些协议不支持不连续的寻址,那样会造成一些地址不可用因为他们不是连续分配的。
  3. I enlarge my knowledge about other subjects while working hard at my major.I contiguously extend my horizon and improve the structure of the knowledge. 努力学好本专业的同时积极涉猎其他学科,不断拓展视野,完善自己的知识结构;
  4. In addition, because new objects that are allocated consecutively are stored contiguously in the managed heap, an application can access the objects very quickly. 另外,由于连续分配的新对象在托管堆中是连续存储,所以应用程序可以快速访问这些对象。
  5. In DPCX, one of two parts of a relative data set that does not have to be stored contiguously with the other extent, but must contain contiguously stored records. 在操作系统dpcx中,相关数据集的两部分之中的一部分,它不必被存储在相邻的区域内,但必须含的是相邻的存储记录。
  6. Efficient allocation of addresses: Hierarchical addressing allows you to take advantage of all available addresses by grouping the addresses contiguously. 地址的有效设置:分级寻址允许你通过分组连续地址利用所有可用地址。