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美[kən'tɪnjʊˌeɪtə]  英[kən'tɪnjʊeɪtə]
n.  继续者


  1. Look at the flight information board to find out where your continu ing flight leaves from. 请在班机情况牌上寻找您的联运班机的出发地点。
  2. DENG Xiao-ping is the great continuator of Chinese socialist constitution construction, and the founder of its thought in the new times. 邓小平是中国社会主义宪政建设继往开来的伟大传承者,也是新时期中国特色社会主义宪政建设艰辛开拓的理论奠基者。
  3. Whether you are the anti-innovator or the traditional continuator, the indispensable premise and foundation is fully understanding about tradition. 无论是反传统的革新者,还是维护传统的继承派,都必须充分地认识并理解传统是其必要的前提和基础。
  4. If a affective legacy is wonderful enough to continuator, he would have a everlasting spring.Then we should show our sensation. 然而,如果一份情感的遗产,足以让继承它的人恒久地享有春天,那么,我们不更应该奉上自己的感动吗?
  5. The making of a Nation, a progam in special english.I`m Kay Glant,today,Harry Monro and I continu... 这次听写是关于美国历史的报道.;比较熟悉的文章背景;听写起来不是十分困难
  6. There will always be people who'll hurt you,but you need to continu trusting,just be careful. 生活中总会有伤害你的人,但是你仍然需要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。