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美[ˌkɒntrə'dɪkʃəs]  英[ˌkɒntrə'dɪkʃəs]
adj.  爱反对的;吹毛求疵的;异议多的


  1. The prosperous of a society and the well-being of its individual citizens are not contradictious in most times. 如果一个社会要繁荣就必须将社会整体的成败置于单个社会成员的幸福之上。
  2. Its maladjusment manifests as the role is being unclear、contradictious、disrupted and failing and so on. 党员角色的失调具有角色不清、角色冲突、角色中断、角色失败等诸多表现。
  3. Isolationism and expansionism are two signifinant and seemingly contradictious foreign policies in American history. 孤立主义和扩张主义是在美国历史上具有重大意义却又貌似迥异的两项重要外交政策。
  4. Such imbalances are contradictious with the urban development and people's longing for comfortable living environment. 这类失衡现象与城市发展及人们对宜居环境的向往产生了极大矛盾。
  5. Speech is civilization it self. the word,even the most contradictious word,preserves contact-it is silence which isolates. 言语即文明本身。话语,甚至最矛盾的话语也维持着人们的联系--是沉默使人们隔离。
  6. Because Internet characteristic is an opening to the outside world,this and what Electronic Commerce needs keeping secret specially,nature is contradictious. 因特网的最大特征是开放性,这与电子商务所需要的保密性是矛盾的。