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美[ˌkɒnə'beɪʃən]  英[ˌkɒnə'beɪʃən]
n.  集合城市(具有许多卫星城的大城市)


  1. an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities


  1. Dalian is a city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai. Dalian and Lvshun form the conurbation of Lvda. Population,1,380,000. 大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,000。
  2. A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai.Dalian and L?hun form the conurbation of L?a.Population, 1, 380, 000. 大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,
  3. High quality stainless pipe valve and seamless welded joint can ensure absolutely air conurbation and durability of pipe system. 高品质不锈钢的管道阀门,无缝焊接的连接口,以保证绝对的气体密闭性和管道系统的耐用性。
  4. A city of northeast China on the Liaodong Peninsula and the Bo Hai.Dalian and L? hun form the conurbation of L?a.Population, 1, 380, 000. 大连中国东北部一城市,位于辽东半岛、濒临渤海。大连和旅顺合称旅大。人口1,380,
  5. In 1996, they agreed to move the Futenma helicopter base, which sits dangerously in a dense conurbation, to a more remote location on the island. 1996年,美日双方商定,迁移普天间直升机基地,从目前容易造成危险的人口稠密的城市,迁至岛上较偏远的地区。
  6. Today the bulk of this conurbation forms the London region of England and the Greater London administrative area, with its own elected mayor and assembly. 今天,位于英格兰地区的伦敦,所管辖的区域,有她自己的市长和行政机构。