marked by calm self-control (especially in trying circumstances); unemotional;
"play it cool" "keep cool" "stayed coolheaded in the crisis" "the most nerveless winner in the history of the tournament"
Bought a hold-up of stocks, to make a coolheaded analysis why. 对买了套牢的股票,要冷静分析原因何在。
Again in OP6, she shuts the enchanted music box (sensible, coolheaded). 同一章中,她关上了施过魔法的音乐盒(明智而冷静)。
She was furious, but coolheaded enough to avoid storming into the boss's office. 她很生气,但足够冷静,没有怒气冲冲闯进老板的办公室。
But Beijing is also calling on all "relevant parties" to respond in a "coolheaded and appropriate" way. 但北京同时呼吁所有有关方面以冷静和适当的方式做出反应。
I believe what's more important for all of us contestants is to remain coolheaded and get fully prepared for the next round of the game! 我认为对于我们每一个108选手来说,更重要的是保持头脑冷静,为下一阶段的游戏做好充分的准备。
A life-or-death situation can reveal whether somebody is panicky or coolheaded, whether the person is selfish or thinks about others. This also is true for a nation-state. 生死关头的表现展示一个人是惊惶还是沉着,自私还是有爱心,同理,对一个国野也是一样。