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n.  南美(北美)安地斯山系


  1. Sunrise from the Summit of Pisco (18.000) over the Cordillera in Peru. 在雁列山脉的上方日出图片 Sunrise over the Cordillera.
  2. A city of north-central Colombia in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes. 布卡拉曼加哥伦比亚中部偏北,科迪勒拉山系的安第斯山脉东部的一城市。
  3. Spatial Patterns of Preinstrumental Moisture Variability in the Southern Canadian Cordillera. 加拿大山脉南部仪器之前湿度变化的空间分布。
  4. The Mayas lived in the Cordilleras, a mountainous region of Central America, and in the tropical lowlands of Peten, now the territories of Guatemala and Honduras. (他们问这里是什么地方)玛雅人居住在安第斯山,中美洲一个多山的地区。
  5. This site offers a data collection with descriptions of the mineral deposit types that can be found in the Cordillera. 该网站提供了一个科迪勒拉山系的矿藏类型的数据集合。
  6. A river rising in the Cordillera Central of western Colombia and flowing about 9'5 km ('00 mi) northward to the Magdalena River. 考加河:发源于哥伦比亚西部科迪勒拉中央山脉的一条河流,流程约9'5公里('00英里),向北注入马格得连纳河