Here she came, in the house, out of the house, in the weeds, in the trees, down to the corncrib,in the barn. 她来了,在房子里,房子外,在草丛中,在树林里,下到玉米仓,在谷仓里。
A farmer wished to move a corncrib,so Abe picked it up placed it on the desired spot while four men,who had come wtih poles to help,looked on,suprised. 有个农夫希望移动玉米仓库,林肯把它搬起来放到想要移动的地方,其实四个拿着杆子来帮忙的人刚刚到,看着仓库,惊叹不已。
A farmer wished to move a corncrib, so Abe picked it up placed it on the desired spot while four men, who had come with poles to help, looked on, surprised. 有个农夫希望移动玉米仓库,林肯把它搬起来放到想要移动的地方,其实四个拿着杆子来帮忙的人刚刚到,看着仓库,惊叹不已。
" Here she came, in the house, out of the house, in the weeds, in the trees, down to the corncrib,in the barn. 她来了,在房子里,房子外,在草丛中,在树林里,下到玉米仓,在谷仓里。