The ryegrass rust (Puccinia coronate) may infect many grasses, particulary ryegrass. 黑麦草冠锈病是由禾冠柄锈菌所致,除危害黑麦草外还可侵染多种禾本科牧草。
This is the product of the first famous brand that Chinese sensitization is awarded in data industry, it is to give coronate of Le Kai's person to deserve to wear.. 这是中国感光材料行业中被授予的第一个名牌产品,是给乐凯人加冕配戴...
A few methods to analyze the corona discharge signals by wavelet transform is got on the basis of the domestic and international scholars who stud- ied the coron... 电晕放电信号有其特殊性,研究时必须选择合适的方法才能达到事半功倍的效果。