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美[ˌkɔːpə'rælətɪ]  英[ˌkɔːpə'rælɪtɪ]
n.  具有形体的;肉体;身体


  1. the quality of being physical; consisting of matter


  1. Corporality is the base of natural and artificial forms. 自然形态和人工形态的构成基础是形态的物质性。
  2. The situation of buying in the structure of garment corpor. 买手在架构中的位置?
  3. Merleau-Ponty's theory of corporality offers a new possibility for us to release ourselves from Heidegger's theoretical trouble. 梅洛-庞蒂的身体理论为解决海德格尔的理论困境提供了一种新的可能。
  4. The Tao of Laozi is the entia of the rule and the essence of the corporality world.Its basic character is materialistic.But it has some diathesis of the mentalism. 老子的道作为物质性的世界规律和本质的统一体,其基本性质是唯物主义的,但也包含着某些唯心主义的因素。
  5. It is principally because of their different understandings of the concept of corporality that made Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty differ from each other on the issue of spatiality. 摘要海德格尔与梅洛-庞蒂在空间性问题上之所以会形成不同的看法,一个重要的原因在于他们对“身体性”概念的理解不同。
  6. The practice of the presale system makes the corporality entity default temporarily, the symbol system of the commodity housing becomes the carrier for the meaning. 预售制度的实施使商品住宅物质性实体暂时缺席,商品住宅符号体系成为意义的载体。