a ball at which young ladies are presented to society
a lively dance originating in France in the 18th century
At the end of the cotillion, the old count in his blue frock coat went up to the young people who had been dancing. 科季里昂舞跳完之后,老伯爵穿着蓝色燕尾服走到跳舞的人跟前。
In the middle of the cotillion, Natasha went back to her place, breathless at the end of a figure. 当科季里昂舞跳到半中间的时候,娜塔莎耍完了花样,还在困难地喘气,就向自己的坐位前面走去。
They seemed to be dancing in a slow and sad cotillion, while behind the hedge on every side were warders armed with guns. 他们似乎在慢悠悠地,悲伤地跳着八人舞,而在每一道篱笆后面都有持枪的狱卒。
But with the upcoming cotillion, an old-fashioned formal event at which teenagers make their "debut" in society, that may be hard to do. 一个让奥兰治县的年青人踏足成人社会、学习社交礼仪的传统舞会快将来临,华恩无奈与一名来自东岸的女子成为一对;
They seemed to be dancing in a slow and sad cotillion, while behind the hedge on every side were warders armed with guns 他们似乎在慢悠悠地,悲伤地跳着八人舞,而在每一道篱笆后面都有持枪的狱卒。