an argument offered in opposition to another argument
Counterargument:Smoking tobacco takes less dangers. 也需要更少的危险。吸烟。
I call this reflex, “sympathetic engagement with counterargument. 我称这种反射为“与反驳观点共鸣”(sympatheticengagementwithcounterargument)。
What does sympathetic engagement with counterargument mean? 这是什么意思呢?
Try to come up with a principled, compelling counterargument. 尝试去形成一个有原则的,令人信服的反驳观点。
A convincing counterargument came from paleontologists Philip Signor of the University of California at Davis and Jere Lipps, now at Berkeley. 美国加州大学戴维斯分校的席格诺与现于柏克莱分校的李普斯,提出过一个可信的论证来反驳陨石说。
To do this, your essay needs to be balanced-it must include an opposing viewpoint, or counterargument (see page 114). 如果您发表唯一您的意见, 您的杂文将听起来宣传并且您的读者不会被说服您的观点。