Crete Island is the cradleland of the ancient Aegean culture. 爱琴海沿岸是克里特和希腊早期文明的摇篮。
Wenzhou the cradleland of the private enterprise, The richest city of china. 温州是中国民营企业的发源地,是中国最富裕的地区之一。
The lacquer trees in the cradleland owned abundant genetic biodiversity. 在起源地,漆树具有非常丰富的遗传多样性;
India is the cradleland of Buddhism where has a big influence to world. 留学解答资讯网:印度是佛教的发源地,对世界影响很大。
It is also well-known for the grandiose martyr cemetery and solemn Taixu Palace which is the cradleland of Quanzhen Junta , Taoism of China. 这里有气势宏伟、庄严肃穆的胶东烈士陵园和中国道教全真派的发祥地“太虚宫”。
Even today after hundreds of years, many people even the youngsters still are proud of the cradleland of their ancestors. 在几百年后的今天,仍有许多人甚至是年轻人还在津津乐道自己祖先的发源地。